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Burning or Chipping Slash

Alert Summary

You can always burn your own slash piles following the conditions set forth in the permit for open burning.  If you don’t follow those conditions or burn without a permit, you may get a visit from a Sheriff’s deputy.  If you want the department to assist you with the burning slash, please take the following steps:

1. Get a burn permit from the county
2.  Send the approved permit number to Greg Venette ( along with a note authorizing the Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District to burn on your property. The department will burn your slash as conditions allow, including:

  • An adequate distance of the pile from structures, trees, or other heavy vegetation,
  • No oversized limbs or root balls in the pile,
  • Adequate snow cover, and
  • Availability of volunteers to monitor burning.

If you want assistance with chipping your slash pile, contact your local Station Captain.  Limitations on chipping include:

  • Nothing larger than 4” in diameter,
  • Availability of volunteers to assist with chipping, and
  • Availability of homeowner or representative to assist with chipping.